Friday, August 29, 2008

Silverspoons (Part 5 short story) Fiction

"Detective's Stowe and Riles are here to see
you Mr. Thornhart."
"Send them in please, and thank you."

"Well you don't seem surprised Mr. Thornhart."
"No, I am not." "My lawyer has filled me in
"We're sorry to inform you of your mother's
involvement." "On the other hand, this does
clear your name." "The purpose of our visit
today is to let you know that we have arrested your
mother this morning." "She's not talking, your father
is out of town, and we are awaiting his arrival."
"We didn't know if you wanted to come down to the
station until he arrives."
"I appreciate the thought, but unless your requiring me to
appear there, I have no interest in that women."
"She is not my mother!"
"We thought if she was scared, she might open up to
you a little." "She is insisting on having her lawyer present."
"That's all we can get out of her."
"I can't help you, I'm sorry." "Here's my card, if you change
your mind, please call us, the sooner the better."
"Thank you, my secretary will show you out."

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