Monday, August 25, 2008

Silverspoons (Part 5 short story) Fiction

"Where's mother?"
"I don't know Clayton replied Amy, one of
his mother's servants of twenty years."
"Mother!, I know your here, come see me"
"Clayton really, what's with all the screaming?"
" don't deserve that title." "You disgust me!"
"Now you can take that attitude and leave young man!"
"The only person leaving will be you, my dear
mother.." "I hope that they throw the book at you."
"Tell me mother, does Father know of your evil ways?"
"Does he know that you had his only daughter killed?"
"Now hold on Clayton, what gives you the right to
speak to me that way." "Right!, you lost any rights you
had for respect!" "I loathe you!"
"The only satisfaction worth coming will be your
damnation to Hell!, be it for the rest of your life or death!"

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