Monday, August 18, 2008

Silverspoons (Part 5 short story)Fiction

"I can't believe this is all happening."
"Clayton, you have to stay calm, hear me out."
"Troy Baxter wasn't involved in your sister's killing."
"Nor did he kill this new women." "Your mother had
used him to get information on Melissa's comings
and goings." "Your mother paid him quite well
for that information." "It was shortly after Melissa
gave him the boot, he was in the right place at
the right time to be seduced." "Apparently your
mother wanted Melissa dead for a long time."

"But I don't get it!, why did Troy tried to blame me?"
"I'm guessing it was because you hated him so much."
"I hated what he did to Melissa." "He came forth now,
because the cops were coming down on him hard."
"He knew the only way to clear himself, was to expose
the truth." "And your mother was starting to back him into
a corner." "She got away with it for a long time, but
slipped up." "The word on the street is that she was
bad mouthing the hired guns that killed Melissa."
"Let's just say they retaliated in kind."
"They started planting evidence around town from
Melissa's killing." "Like that dead lady who tied the cases
together." "They knew her world would come crumbling down
eventually." "They were going to see to it!"
"An eye for an eye..." "Troy Baxter just helped that
info surface faster, by taking some of it to you that day."
"It wasn't out of friendship, but he saved your life."

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