Sunday, July 27, 2008

Silverspoons (Part 3-Fiction)

"Hi Ellie, I'm sorry for running a bit late."
"I just got here myself Clayton, no problem."
"Thank you so much for meeting me." "As you
know, I was a bit crazed when I called."
"What's going on Clayton?" "Well, first of all,
here's one dollar." "I have now officially hired you
as my attorney." "Clayton, it doesn't really work that
way." "Well for now, it's that client attorney privilege
thing." "Okay Clayton, what the hell is going on?"

"Melissa's ex-boyfriend Troy Baxter came to see me."
"I had suspected that he was behind Melissa's death."
"But the cops said he had an alibi." "Why is he
contacting you now?" "I think it has to do with
the new girl that was found dead." "I think he is
trying to frame me again." "Again?, you think he
tried to frame you before?" "Yes, he brought me this
envelope." "I haven't opened it yet." "Well let's see
Clayton, give it here." "Shouldn't we have checked
for finger prints or something?" "Clayton you watch
too much television." "I won't handle anything inside
with my bare hands." "I'm surprised you didn't go for
it." "I thought it wise to wait for you, seems I need to
be extra careful now."
"Oh my God Clayton, you are going to need me as your

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