Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Silverspoons (Part 3-Fiction)

Back at the police station, Detective Tony Riles
and Detective Ed Stowe hash out what little evidence
they have. "I don't know Ed, maybe we're chasing
our own tails here" said Tony. "Auh, that's not like you
to give in so early," replied Ed.

Okay, we have another silver spoon left at the scene.
Again no finger prints, wishful thinking. One dead lady,
early twenties. "Hey, she kidda looks like that Melissa
Thornhart chick." "Yeah, I was thinking that myself Ed."
"What if this killer is not the obvious suspect, but connected
to the suspects we have somehow." Not just some random
nut job copying a high profile case.
"Yeah, there was always something odd about the Thornhart
case that stuck in my gut, we just couldn't prove it."
"I know your gonna think I'm crazy, but I'm leaning with that Baxter
dude." said tony. "His reputation is not one of subtle
character." "So your giving up on the Clayton angle," replied
Ed. "No Ed, but I do think there's a connection somehow there.
And we're gonna find out.

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