Monday, July 21, 2008

Silverspoons (Part 3-Fiction)

"Ellie, Clayton Thornhart here." "Listen,
I really need to speak with you right away."
"Clayton, well hello to you too." "I'm sorry
Ellie, I just had a scene in my office with one
of Melissa's ex's." "That's why I need to talk
to you." "Melissa? I presume we're talking
about your sister?" "Yes, of course, I know I
should start over." "Can I explain it all when
we meet?" "Sure Clayton, when is good for
you?" "How's 1:00 at the Metro Cafe?, "have
you've eaten lunch yet?" "No, I'll be there, bye

Clayton was not sure of anything at this point.
He had'nt even opened the envelope yet. He
almost did, but was so agitated with Troy that
he had thrown it across the room. Just as well,
because it had given him time to think. He should
wait and open it in front of Ellie. Not that he had to,
but it seemed like a good idea. He knew now
with certainty, that he would need to hire Ellie
for his attorney. He also knew that the cops
were'nt far behind in office storming. Thanks to
whatever Troy was up to. What if Troy killed this
new women too. He's going to try and make me
take the fall for this murder. The cops couldn't prove
anything with Melissa's murder, so he's making sure they
do with this one...

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