Sunday, June 29, 2008

Silverspoons (Part2 - Fiction Short Story)

Clayton arrived home about 11:30 that evening.
He couldn't get Ellie Sinclair off his mind.
She was different from the usual sort of women
he went out with. He knew he was very attracted
to her. As Clayton prepared to retire for the evening,
his thoughts kept drifting to Ellie. He imagined
what her lips tasted like, what they would feel like
against his own. Her long legs slender and smooth
to the touch. He knew he would dream of her tonight.
As if all one thought, he jumped into bed and switched
off the lights.

Ellie arrived at work early as usual. She owned her
own private attorney practice. Ellie Nelson, her reputation
was well known around town. She would take on cases
that others felt were losers. It was quiet so far, no cases
she had to worry about for the moment. Clayton was on her
mind. She didn't know quite what to make of him. He was
gorgeous, as the rumors had implied. He kept her attention
all evening. Which for Ellie these days, was a rare occurance.
She was not sure having these feelings about him was a good
idea. After all, she may be his attorney in the near future.
It definitely would be an intricate case for sure.
She wanted to know more about Clayton. She knew she had
to see him again, and not necessarily for business.

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