Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Silverspoons (Part 1 - continued)

I pursued a career in Real Estate, while Melissa went into
Fashion Design. Melissa was not about glitz and glamour, but she
sure could put an outfit together. She was top notch in the field.
You would see her designs plastered all over top magazines.
But to Melissa, it was just another day. Everyone knew her name.

As for the men in her life, there was a lot left to be desired.
Melissa always paid for everything, lavish dinners, champagne,
wild parties. But the men in her life, did not stand proud.
They basked in her spotlight. They turned the tables and felt
good about it. There was this one guy named Troy, Troy Baxter.
I hated how he treated her. No respect at all. He was a leech through
and through. He would smack her around pretty good. For no reason.
Enough that she would have to hide bruises. Melissa had finally dumped
him and stayed busy at work. She started getting phone calls all through
the night. Harassing phone calls, to the point of threatening calls.
I wanted her to call the police, to check this guy out. But Melissa
refused. Melissa would always say, "he is more lonelier than I."

"I'm sure it is only pranks by some kids." That's where Melissa and I
differed. I saw the world for what it really was, and Melissa saw it for
what she wished it could be. That's why she remained so lonely.
She was looking for something that didin't exist. Not in the real world.
I would have thought that Melissa learned that from our parents.
They were perfect examples.

Melissa would say "don't worry Clayton, we are invincible."
"How could anyone hurt us more than what we have already been
"It is not the same Melissa, and you know it." "Oh come on
Clayton, your too serious." "I know, let's go and get a pizza, I know you
want to."
Melissa always knew how to push my buttons. Both good and bad.
How could I resist, Melissa that is. She was one of a kind and
I loved her. That was the last night I saw her...

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