Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Special Time Of Year

My favorite time of year is coming
Autumn into fall
I love the crisp air and whistling trees
brisk walks and fancy teas...

Pumpkins ready to be harvest
orange and yellow mums adorn
sidewalks and hanging baskets

Lite jackets
and good ole walking shoes
skipping rocks and hiking through...

Corm mazes are made
prepared by a crew
applying extra touches
to scare a few...

Thoughts of Halloween costumes
begin to accrue
in the minds of little tots
and big ones too!

Autumn into Fall
such a special time of year
hay rides and blankets shared...
scary faces dare to appear!

Autumn into Fall
my special time of year.


  1. Changing seasons are wonderful. Here in Mumbai where I am spending four months, we're going from monsoon into drier weather but no changing leaves.

  2. Rnsane, The changing leaves are starting so slowly here in most neck of the woods...but perhaps I'll catch a shot or two and post them when they do. Not as good as our friend Shutterbug though...but I'll try..



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