Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thoughts on a Spring Day....4-19-08

Check this out;
Was it a spring day or a summer day?
That is the weather..
50's versus 82

I know you were all out there,
because I met you on the road!

We're coming out of hibernation
all at once,
we're looking for our new plants,
and our garden tools...
Lowes has better than Walmart,
but you found that out too...

So here's to the great gardens,
I pass along the way,
Sometimes I stop and ask..
Where did you get that tree?
Where as; other times I just drive along,
smile and think,
yeah, not me, can't do that in my yard...

So I'll see you all next week,
what we couldn't find today,
we'll search for again in days...
only to find that one little pot,
with the broken twiggs,
that somebody dropped...

Bessye. 4-19-08

1 comment:

  1. Hey Miss Bessye,
    I love this one. Mainly because 4/19 is my husband's birthday, but also because I love the spring and the planting and all the stuff blooming abouthen.



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