Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hi everyone!

Today I would like to talk about the
teenage suicides going on. This
"sexting" stuff. That poor young girl
recently that took her life. She was beautiful
and vibrant! How many others? This is how
you young boys demeanor young women?
Does it make you feel like a man?
You don't know what it means to be a man?
For those of you who involve yourself in this
practice, don't deserve the title "man".

I'm willing to bet that those of you shamelessly
running around after being part in this practice
of belittling your ex-girlfriends over breaking up.
Don't even feel any remorse about it.
Let's get naked pictures of you out there on the net
and see how "big" of a man you are then...

And for those girls who tormented the girls that
committed suicide, what is your problem?
Are you in now with the football team? Are you
the "popular" girls around town? What if it was you?
Whomever was involved in that harassing, your worse
than the boys involved.
Don't think "your" pictures aren't going to show up soon.
You guys are way too young, and don't even understand
the first thing about the consequences of being a man
or a women. It's not just a title, it's a right. You have to earn it.
What happens in life "follows" you doesn't
magically disappear as you get older.

I'm not sorry for my bluntness here, but it makes me so
angry about the whole thing. Nobody wants to hear about
anyone young taking their life before they've had a chance
to live it. I don't want it to happen to any of you as well
that share in these practices. Let's stop it!
Your all important! You all have something to offer!
Learn from this major mistake. Why keep letting
it repeat itself, until perhaps one day it happens to you...
I would still feel just as heart broken for you, that
I feel for these poor young girls.

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