Thursday, September 25, 2014

The silent killer....

Stress is the number one killer!
We do not even realize half of the ways
it applies to us in our every day.

Especially for women.
Arguing with someone.
Worrying about bills, working outside the house
then coming home to clean the house, cook dinner etc.
Making sure that kids have completed their homework,
cleaned their rooms. Making sure all appointments are met,
and getting everyone to them...on time.

Stress is even more difficult for men.
Men tend to keep everything inside.
They "think" that they have to stay strong for
their families and not let them know you're
worried about money, you lost your job...
wishing that you would cut down on your spending,
but they won't dare ask you to. At least not more than once.
"They meant it the first time...."

Yes, stress can sneak up on you without you realizing.
Raise your blood pressure, give you a heart attack.
All of which come suddenly.
No warning!

And let's not be fooled by the "I'm in excellent health"
syndrome. I'm young, I don't have to worry about
heart attacks or blood pressure. Not true anymore!
30's, 40's are not to young to have a heart attack
these days.

It is easier said than done!
But with that being said, let's try to be more aware
how stress can effect us in our daily lives.
Make some changes diet and otherwise, to start taking control!
When you want to raise your voice, count to ten...
Don't bare all the weight on your shoulders alone! Talk...

And remember, especially with the holidays approaching,
you do what you can, not what you think you have to...
Give kids more credit, they'll understand if you explain
you can't get them "everything" they're asking for...
It is more important that you're all together, especially these days.
Besides, they won't change if you don't make those changes.
Then it becomes a "common" thing to expect...

Last but certainly not least...I need you all here to read my blog!!
What would I do without you all!!

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