Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Holiday Guys! 2009

Hello everyone!

Well we are saying good-bye
to Summer this weekend.
I hope that all of you are enjoying this
Holiday weekend. I'm using it to get
myself set up for the Fall season.
Yeah, I know boo! boring...

But it really wasn't much of a summer
weather wise this season anyway.
So, I'm just looking ahead.
However; for you really cool people
out there who know how to party!
close things out with a bang!
Cheers to you....
I wish you all a whole lot of fun!

So happy Holiday and good wishes
I'll be back tomorrow, check in,
you know...if your plans change,
or the dog ate your homework,
or your ducking out from a rain shower.


  1. I love the Fall season. It's my favorite so I'm having a great time gearing up for all the fall festivals etc...

  2. Hi Joanne!
    I hope that you enlightened us with some cool pictures etc. of any festivals.




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