Sunday, June 21, 2009

When change is not always good!

When I was a young lad
respect was everything
at first to give
and second to receive

You didn't question
with whys or the how comes...
The unspoken word
would later prove
the time and place
for being misconstrued.

When I was a young lad
the honor of respect
was as good as your word
and the word was as good
as the man...

You stood tall
and firm on your feet
because you were raised
to be the best you could be

And now the forces that be
have changed that world you see
no longer the backbone teaches the spleen...
As the apple cart tumbles into the stream.


  1. "no longer the backbone teaches the spleen...
    As the apple cart tumbles into the stream"

    You summarise an infinity of ill with this simple couplet! Regards, Ivan

  2. Thanks Ivan for visiting. How true this is.
    By the time realization impacts many of those, who have created this problem, it will be too late. What a shame. There was nothing wrong with how older generations were raised, it amazes me how far rebellion has taken some offsprings to "let go" of everything structured, therefore creating havoc and uncontrollably.


  3. The imagery in the last stanzas is exciting. I like the style and the message this brings.

  4. Hi Joanne, thanks for your comment. I've been having a lot of conversations on this subject line lately..




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