Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Did everyone enjoy their Valentine's day?
Not the one that is hyped up for commercial
purposes, but the one that you create
with your loved one as recognition
of your love you share everyday?

That could mean an extra serving
of their favorite dinner, or a little note
you left them on the bathroom mirror...
It should be easy, and it should be fun.
And most importantly, it should be because
you 'want to' not because your forced to
celebrate it. If you have a positive attitude
about it all, then all the commercial stuff
does not bother you. In fact, you find
it rather helpful in getting your message
across to your loved one.

Make everyday Valentines' Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

For my Valentine

Will you be my Valentine
for I have not a box of chocolates
nor do I have roses by the dozen...

Will you be my Valentine
if all I have to offer
is myself without a tie

Will you be my Valentine
if my bicycle will carry two...

I leave for you this Valentine
my promise to be true!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Be true my Valentine

Without you
I am empty
I am lonely
I am lost...

By you entering my life
when you did
how you did
transformed my way
of thoughts
of reason
of living

As though you were always there
the comfort
the familiarity
the trust

These are the vows
I wish to say to you
the words which hold my heart
have you
love you
grow with me
and not apart.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Moving forward

As I try to forget
the memories of past
appearing back unannounced
not necessarily relating to
anything present...

As though in flashback
I recall the faces, the moments,
the feeling of failure
for good memories
are rarely replayed...

Letting go...
condemns us to jury of reason
for our own punishments
are imprisonment enough...

Seek not what you shall find
rather seek out what never existed!
The key that will unlock your future.


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