Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is the snow gone yet?

Have we seen the last of
the snow yet? Are you living in
an area where there is snow?

I enjoy it, but in small doses.
I am getting ready for it to go away.
Perhaps it will be a short winter
as far as snow goes...sorry you guys
that love the skiing..

I'm looking at a mountain of it
outside my window (in my yard)...
and yes, I want it gone...

Hiking is more my cup of tea
at the moment. I do love activities
in the snow, but all the equipment
starts weighing you down..that's when
it starts getting old.

So to all my friends out there who
are having fun in the snow...
enjoy it while you can..

Friday, January 28, 2011

Above us only skies...

When the moon
is out so bright
amongst it's casting light
creatures small
and creatures tall
in reverence I site...

Illumination afar at night
casts it's spells
upon our frights...

To amend any misconceived
ideas brought into sight.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Positive action to positive thinking!

Are we ready to start off this New Year
It's not so much about the diets and
starting new routines off right, it's
about being positive!

That's right! for any of you that
need to start being more positive about
all aspects of your life, let's give it a shot!
If you already are, that's fantastic!
Your ahead of most people. It is the most
biggest weight to carry around with you.
Especially if it's other peoples weight.

You just have to acknowledge first that it
exists. Then take one approach to it at a
time. Decide what to let in and what not to.
I am going to take my own advice and
start this regimen. You can not move
forward if your life carrying around a heavy
weight all the time, especially if it is not
even your own! Life is hard enough, try
finding a way to keep it as simple as possible.

Staying positive will be our goal together
this year. Let's try our best, sometimes you
just need a little boost!


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